CIVIL Home > Events Organized for Faculty & Students
Online Webinar on Prefabricated Structures organized by Department of Civil Engineering
Online Two day FDP on Advanced Topics in Water Resources and Environmental Engineering
Department of CE organized one week Hands on Training on AUTOCAD for technical teaching staff from 06TH SEP to 11th SEP 2021.
Online Webinar on HIGHWAY MATERIALS BITUMEN CHARACTERISATION organized by Department of Civil Engineering on 17th June, 2021
One Day on Online webinar on RETROFITTING OF STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS USING on 10th June 2021 organized by Dept.of Civil Engineering
One Day on Online webinar on Virtual Tour of India’s Largest Cement Manufacturing Plant
Three Day FDP Program on ENVIRONMENTAL AND WATER RESOURCES MODELING AND MANAGEMENT during 4th June 2021 to 7th June 2021 organized by Department of Civil Engineering
Three Day FDP Program on Advanced Topics in Geotechnical and Transportation Engineering during 25th March 2021 to 27th March 2021 organized by Department of Civil Engineering
One Day Online Webinar on GIS & IOT BASED SOLUTIONS FOR INTEGRATED SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT on 14th Feb, 2021 organized by Dept.of Civil Engineering
One Day Online Webinar on SPECIAL CONCRETES FOR 21st CENTURY
One Day Online Webinar on “ SOIL INVESTIGATION METHODS, CHALLEGES & SOLUTIONS ” on 13th June, 2020 organized by Dept.of Civil Engineering
One Day Online Webinar on “ GIS-BASED FACILITY SITING OF CHEMICAL & HAZARDOUS INDUSTRIES ” on 7th June, 2020 organized by Dept.of Civil Engineering.
One Day Online Webinar on “ ECO-FRIENDLY BUILDING TECHNOLOGIES AND MATERIALS NEED OF THE HOUR ” on 31st May, 2020 organized by Dept.of Civil Engineering.
Three-Day Online Faculty Development Program on “ ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF PANDEMIC SCENARIOS USING EMPERICAL AND GIS TECHNIQUES ” during 18th -20th May, 2020 organized by Dept.of Civil Engineering.
Three-Day Faculty Development Program on “ GIS PROFESSIONAL TRAINING ” during 6th -8th November, 2019 organized by Dept.of Civil Engineering.
A Guest lecture and Drawing competition - On the occasion of World Water
A Five days workshop on “Structural Design and Analysis using ETABS”.
Lakshya2K24- 17th National level Techinical Fest by the department of civil Engineering.
Three Day workshop on Ethical Hacking & Information security Held at LBRCE from 14-12-2023 to 16-12-2023 by the department of civil Engineering.
A Guest Lecture on GGBS for Strong, Durable, Sustainable and Green Concrete Construction Held at LBRCE on 27-11-2023 by the department of civil Engineering.
A Guest Lecture on World Habitat Day Celebrations Held at LBRCE on 03-10-2023 by the department of civil Engineering under IE(I) student chapter.
Student Technical Activity on the occasion of Engineers day celebrations dated on 15-09-2023 by the department of civil Engineering under IE(I) student chapter.
Workshop on “Geoprocessing Workflows and Spatial Data Management” from 11/09/2023 to 13/09/2023
WORKSHOP ON 3DS Max organized by Department of CIVIL Engineering on 11.01.2023 AN
WORKSHOP ON 3D Printing organized by Department of CIVIL Engineering on 11.01.2023 FN
Insutrial Visit to NTTPS on 30-01-2023
An Online Webinar on “RECENT ADVANCES IN PAVEMENT ENGINEERING” dated on 10-01-2023 organized by department of civil engineering
A Guest Lecture on "Geo Spatial Technology" dated on 19-11-2022 organized by Department of Civil Engineering under IEI student Chapter
Guest Lecture on "Basics of Cement and Concrete" was organized for I -B.Tech Civil Engineering students by Mylavaram Student Chapter Civil of IE (I) during 29 th June 2022 in association with Ultra Tech Cements, Andhra Pradesh
Guest Lecture on "Environmental Pollution and Climate Change" was organized for II & IV-B.Tech Civil Engineering students by Mylavaram Student Chapter Civil of IE (I) during 18th April in association with NIT-Warangal, Andhra Pradesh
Guest Lecture on "CONCRETE FOR DURABILITY" was organized for II & III-B.Tech Civil Engineering students by Mylavaram Student Chapter Civil of IE (I) during 25th November in association with Ultratech Cements, A.P
Two days Workshop program on " TOTAL STATION & ADVANCED GIS" was organized for IV-B.Tech Civil Engineering students by Mylavaram Student Chapter Civil of IE (I) during 5th– 6th March in association with GIS Labs, Hyderabad.
Guest Lecture on " TOTAL STATION & ADVANCED GIS" was organized for IV-B.Tech Civil Engineering students by Mylavaram Student Chapter Civil of IE (I) during 7th March in association with GIS Labs, Hyderabad.
Two days Workshop program on " PRIMAVERA PROJECT PLANNER " was organized for IV-B.Tech Civil Engineering students by Mylavaram Student Chapter Civil of IE (I) during 3rd– 4th January in association with CADCAM Experts, Vijayawada.
A 2-day workshop on " GIS PROFESSIONAL TRAINING ” was organized for the IV B. Tech Civil Engineering students in LBRCE by IE (I) Student Chapter of Civil Department during 06-09-19 to 07-09-19 in association with GIS Labs, Hyderabad.
A Two-day workshop on "SKETCH UP Pro” was organized for the II Year B.Tech Civil Engineering students in LBRCE by IE(I) Student Chapter of Civil Engineering Department during 30-08-19 to 31-08-19 in association with CAD CAM Experts, Vijayawada
Dr.K.L.Rao's Birthday Celebrations in LBRCE organized by Dept of Civil On 15-07-2019.