Ph.D., PE

SRP Professor of Energy and Environment, School of Architecture and School of Sustainability (Joint),
Arizona State University, PO Box 871605, Tempe, AZ 85287,
Office Phone: 480-965-4460 Email: [email protected],


  • Ph.D., Laboratoire de Thermodynamique and Energetique, University of Perpignan, France 1982 -Thermodynamics.
  • Diplome Etudes Approfondis DEA (M.Sc.), Laboratoire de Thermodynamique and Energetique,University of Perpignan, France 1976-Solar Energy.
  • Engineering Techology (B.Tech), Sri Aurobindo Int. Center of Education, Pondicherry, India, 1974-Mechanical Engineering.
  • Bachelor of Science (B.Sc), Sri Aurobindo International Center of Education, Pondicherry, India, 1972.


  • SRP Professor of Energy and Environment (January 2009- current), Jointly with School of Architecture and School of Sustainability, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.
  • Professor, (September 2003- Dec 2008), Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Associate Professor, (September 1997- August 2003), Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering Department, Drexel University, Philadelphia, PA.
  • Joint appointment with the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Mechanics of Drexel University (November 2001- 2008)
  • Assistant Director and Visiting Faculty, (June 1991- August 1997), Energy Systems Laboratory,Mechanical Engineering Department, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX, USA
  • Lecturer (June 1989 - June 1991) Mechanical and Aerospace Department, Princeton University,Princeton, NJ
  • Research Staff (Jan. 1988 - June 1991), Center for Energy and Environmental Studies, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA.
  • Visiting Scientist (January 1987 - December 1987) Applied Solar Calculations Unit, Blaustein Institute for Desert Research, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Sede Boqer, Israel.
  • Assistant Professor (January 1985 - December 1986) Energy Technology Division, Asian Institute of Technology, Bangkok, Thailand.


  • Energy sustainability and renewable energy (solar thermal and PV technology).
  • Building energy systems and demand-side energy efficiency and conservation in buildings.
  • Indoor air quality and its impact on occupant health and productivity.
  • Design of high performance buildings and net-zero buildings Advanced energy systems (combined heat and power).


  • Advanced data analysis and inverse methods: System identification, calibration, parameter estimation, AI methods (artificial neural networks, expert systems, genetic algorithms, intelligent agents), IT methods(knowledge base systems), combining heuristic knowledge with formal engineering methods, fuzzy logic, Monte Carlo methods, uncertainty analysis (M&V, calibration,...).
  • Decision support tools for optimal operation of building energy systems: Mechanistic model development and its engineering applications to building energy and HVAC&R systems, Calibration of detailed simulation programs, fault detection and diagnoses of chillers, supervisory control of cooling, heating and power (CHP) plants, active building demand control in response to electric real-time pricing (RTP).


  • Books: 2 + plus one due in 2010 Handbook Chapters: 7
  • Books/Proceedings Edited: 4 Significant Technical reports: 57
  • Refereed Archival Journal papers: 83 Refereed Conference papers: 28
  • Non-refereed Conference papers: 32 Funded Research Projects: 36

Books Written

  • Reddy, T.A., book of about 400 pages entitled: "The Design and Sizing of Active Solar Thermal Systems", Oxford University Press (U.K.), September 1987.
  • Reddy, T.A., book of about 500 pages entitled: "Applied Data Analysis and Modeling" for Thermal, Energy and Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Springer, manuscript to be submitted in fall 2010.


  • American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) (1993- current).- Fellow (2008), Chair of the Solar Energy Division (2008), Member of ASME Solar Energy Division Executive Committee (2004-2010) Service Awards- July 2004, July 2007, August 2008.
  • American Society of Heating and Refrigeration Air Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) (1985-current)- Fellow (2008), ASHRAE Distinguished Service award, June 2008, Voting member of several ASHRAE technical committees and guideline committees, ASHRAE Certificates of Appreciation - 2 nos. for contribution towards the development of two guidelines and being a voting member: GPC2 (Analysis of Engineering Data) and GPC14 (measurement of Energy and Demand Savings)
  • Associate Editor of the ASME Journal of Solar Energy Engineering, "Conservation and Solar Buildings",(Jan.02- Dec. 2005)
  • Associate Editor for the International Journal of Energy (Editor: Noam Lior), (1989-2002)
  • Session organizer/chair for ASHRAE and ASME conferences- 13 nos
  • Conference organizer ASME Solar Energy Div: Technical Chair (1 nos), General Chair (1 nos), Track chair (2 nos),
  • Technical Chair of the American Solar Energy society (ASES) Conference, Phoenix, May 2010
  • Best paper awards (ASME Solar Energy Division)- 2 nos