AI Home > Spirit of AI Club


About Spirit of AI Club

Objectives of the Club:

  1. To create a platform to encourage the hidden talents of the students.
  2. To improve the technical and non-technical skills of the students.
  3. To Share the knowledge among the members they acquired by reading books.

Membership and Procedure for Enrollment:

  1. All the students of the department are members of the Departmental Association.
  2. Membership is valid throughout their graduation for 4 years.
  3. Membership fee will be decided by the managing committee.

Termination of Membership:

  1. Faculty Managing Committee has reserved right to terminate membership of any student member.

Managing Committee - Powers and Duties of Managing Committee:

  1. Student’s committee comprises of President, Vice President Ministers and Event Managers.
  2. Head of the department will be the Honorary President
  3. Faculty Advisers has privilege to appoint President, Vice president, Ministers and Event Managers.
  4. Honorary President / Faculty Advisers has reserved right to Schedule or Cancel any event to be organized in the department under the Association banner.

Meeting of the Managing Committee:

  1. Meetings will be conducted at regular intervals.
  2. Faculty Advisers will schedule the meeting to plan/design the events, review the events conducted and to grant funds for future events etc.

Events Organized under the Books & Beyond Club

Date Name of the Event Target Audience
26-03-2022 Jam III SEM
02-03-2022 Poster Presentation I SEM
17-02-2022 Quiz I SEM
29-01-2022 Debate III SEM
29-12-2021 Jam I SEM
23-12-2021 Quiz III Sem
Date Name of the Event Target Audience
08-06-2022 Photograph II & IV Sem
08-06-2022 Crime Analysis II & IV Sem
08-06-2022 Mock Interview II & IV Sem
08-06-2022 Drawing II & IV Sem
08-06-2022 Hand Crafts II & IV Sem
08-06-2022 Story Framing II & IV Sem
08-06-2022 Power Point Presentation II & IV Sem
08-06-2022 Coding Contest II & IV Sem
04-06-2022 Oral/Poster Presentations II & IV Sem
04-06-2022 Fame XYZ II & IV Sem
04-06-2022 Debate II & IV Sem
14-05-2022 Ted Talks II & IV Sem
14-05-2022 Quiz II & IV Sem

Committee Members of the Club

Academic Year Members List
2021 - 22 Click Here

Student Members of the Club

Academic Year Members List
2021 - 22 Click Here